It’s certainly a very stirring opening that continues a tradition of Tekken opening cinematics being pretty darn awesome, and it sets the tone for another round of bone breaking brutality from the Tekken gang. We cut to the Wesley Snipes inspired new character Raven, who declares that Heihachi is dead, and the video comes to an end. With Heihachi pinned down by the JACKs WrestleFest-style, one of the machines detonates a bomb, seemingly destroying everyone in the dojo. After an excellently choreographed fight scene (so good that they made it a playable part of Tekken 7’s story mode), Kazuya betrays Heichachi and leaves him to fight on his own because… However, before they have time to catch their bearings, the dojo is swarmed by an army of JACK robots, who have been programmed to destroy the father and son tandem. Picking up at the conclusion of the climactic battle of Tekken 4, Heichachi and Kazuya Mishima are shown dragging themselves to their feet in the Hon-Maru dojo after taking an almighty battering from Jin Kazama. The opening video of Tekken 5 is an absolute feast for the eyes.